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GCZMA consults NCSCM, Chennai over the applicability of beach carrying capacity for private shacks. 

The Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority ( GCZMA) is currently taking steps to determine the applicability of the beach carrying capacity (BCC) set by the

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GCZMA Goa 2021
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The Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority ( GCZMA) is currently taking steps to determine the applicability of the beach carrying capacity (BCC) set by the state government over the temporary shacks located on private properties. This came after a private property owner at Sernabatim applied for permission to set up a temporary shack in their land. 

GCZMA has now decided to receive consultation of National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM) in Chennai over this matter. 

Previously NCSCM has recommended that only 33 % of the beach area can be made available for erection of shacks after leaving out ecologically-sensitive areas, river mouths, creeks, fishing space and buffer area at entry points. It has been identified 39.26 kms as ecologically sensitive, to be marked as a ‘No Go’ zone.  

What is Beach Carrying Capacity ( BCC) ? 

Beaches are highly valuable tourist resources, therefore determining their carrying capacity is an essential factor for their sensible use and management. The BCC explores the concepts of physical carrying capacity (number of individuals a beach can physically accommodate) and social carrying capacity (concentration of individuals above which beach users become uncomfortable – crowding perception).

Savio Correia, member of GCZMA added that BCC report does not permit more snacks to be erected on Sernabatim beach as the limit of BCC is already exceeded there. But the property owner disagreed stating that the BCC only concerns public beaches. 

The expert member of GCZMA, Flaviano Miranda, who had carried out a site inspection, told the authority that the shacks are proposed to be erected in a property with sand dunes while addressing the GCZMA meeting in January over this matter

Goa is set to be home to the country’s first sand dune park under a project funded by The World Bank which has accepted the proposal of the Biodiversity Board of the state and has sanctioned a sum of 3 crores for the project.

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