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Mumbai woman held on way back to Dubai for forging arrival date on passport to keep Goa trip secret

A 28 year old woman from Mira Road, Mumbai was caught by immigration officers on her way back to Dubai last week for forging her

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Mumbai Woman Held Back for Forgery of Details
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A 28 year old woman from Mira Road, Mumbai was caught by immigration officers on her way back to Dubai last week for forging her arrival date on passport. 

Amber Badruzzoha Sayad, who has been working in Dubai since the last three years, returned to Mumbai on March 14th  last year and went to Goa along with a friend. 

She returned back to Mumbai on March 20th . After she arrived in the Mumbai, she forged the arrival date on her passport to convince her mother that she had just arrived from Dubai as the government was planning to stop international flights due to the pandemic.

“While returning home from the airport she stopped at a stationary shop and used a rubber stamp to change the arrival date to March 20th ,” a police officer said. “While she was returning to Dubai on February 19th , the immigration officer at counter number 30 of the international airport found in the system that she had returned to Mumbai on March 14th, 2020 but her passport shows March 20th . The officer immediately took her to a senior,” the police officer added.

She was taken into Sahar Police station and was questioned about the incident. She replied that to keep the Goa trip a secret from her mom she changed the date using a rubber stamp. 

Later the woman was produced before the holiday court in Bandra on Sunday and remanded in police custody till February 22nd.The police said that they wanted to record her detailed statement and were yet to seize the rubber stamp.

“An FIR has been registered against her under sections 465 (punishment for forgery), 468 (forgery for purpose of cheating), 471 (using as genuine a forged) and 420 (cheating) of the IPC based on a complaint filed by the immigration officer,” said Jagdish Deshmukh, police inspector, Sahar Police station.

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