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How CM will Handle the Political Turmoil, everyone getting ready to revolt?

It looks like the power is sleeping out of the hands of BJP as due to the absence of the Chief Minister, everyone trying to
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It looks like the power is sleeping out of the hands of BJP as due to the absence of the Chief Minister, everyone trying to play the power game in the state. The recent expulsion of the two cabinet ministers and their replacement with the two new faces have made many unhappy within the party. Now the question is how BJP is going to manage the political game and who will come to their rescue this time. Let’s take a look at the existing political scenario in the state.         

Things don’t seem to be getting in the favor for the BJP government in Goa many unhappy MLAs threatening to resign from their positions leaving seats vacant in the BJP government. A day after the swearing in of the two newly inducted ministers in the BJP led coalition government, the things started falling apart. One of the independent legislator Prasad Gaonkar resigned from the chairmanship of Goa Forest Development Corporation (GFDC) on Tuesday, and Mapusa MLA and former Urban Development Minister Mr. Francis D’souza threatening of resigning from the BJP legislative party, and the supporters of Calangute MLA threatening to work against BJP in the forthcoming election if the Lobo is not given ministerial berth in the cabinet.   

The unhappy Sanguem MLA Gaonkar mentioned that he has no work to do at the GFDC simply because it lacks staff and fund, and until recently it did not even have a managing director. Gaonkar said that “I was elected by popular vote. I don’t want to stay here and do nothing. 

While he goes on saying that ‘I will support the government, I’m resigning as a chairperson not as an MLA” his supporters are singing the completely different song. According to the sources, the supporters of Mr. Gaonkar have decided to work against the BJP in the forthcoming election, if Gaonkar is not given some important portfolio. Mr. Gaonkar also remains absent in the swearing-in ceremony of new ministers on the ground of prior engagement.  

The Sanguem MLA was brought on board long before the BJP had cobbled an alliance with the GFP, MGP, Khaunte, and Gaude a source said. Sources also said that Gaonkar has made his displeasure clear to the BJP bosses since he was not receiving any cooperation from the government.

The political situation in Goa has created a reshuffle which has not only angered and frustrated the MLA’s but also their supporters, some of them have threatened to block the water supply to half of the state while a body of taxi drivers plan to go against the BJP.

20,000 taxi operators plan to reject the BJP government if Michael Lodo is not given a ministry. While supporters of independent MLA Prasad Gaonkar, have threatened to stop the water supply from a dam that supplies water to half of Goa. A number of Goa BJP leaders have publicly dissented against the cabinet reshuffled of the BJP-led coalition.

Goa’s notorious taxi lobby has taken a step into the controversy, backing the Calangute MLA Michael Lobo for a cabinet berth, failing in which the taxi operators will work against the BJP. In Goa, there are around 20,000 taxi operators and in the coming election they stand ground and will reject the BJP government if Lobo is not given ministry.

‘We cannot accommodate everyone. The decision of who is elected and who is dropped out all the decisions are taken by the Chief Minister, in consultation with the party high command. The team and the MLA will have to accept it, the party official said.

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