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Vijay Bhike Criticizes Law Enforcement Amidst Rising Crime in Goa

Vijay Bhike, GPCC General Secretary, condemns the failure of police and government machinery in Goa amidst a rise in crime, emphasizing the urgent need for
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Vijay Bhike
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In a recent press conference, Vijay Bhike, the General Secretary of the Goa Pradesh Congress Committee (GPCC), sharply criticized both the police and government machinery, citing a significant rise in crime across Goa. Bhike highlighted alarming incidents including temple donation thefts, house demolitions, and women’s Mangalsutras being snatched by individuals posing as police officers. He emphasized the urgent need to restore law and order.

Bhike expressed deep concern over Goa becoming a haven for drug peddlers, criminals, and prostitution rings. He detailed daily occurrences of thefts, robberies, and murders, underscoring the severity of the situation. Bhike pointed to the recent murder of Devidas Kanodkar in Dhargal, allegedly perpetrated by individuals from Bihar, initially reported as a hit-and-run case, as a glaring example of the breakdown in public safety.

Recounting an incident where a tourist assaulted a taxi driver in front of a police station, Bhike blamed the incompetence of both the police and the home department, which is overseen by Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant.

Bhike also revealed a troubling statistic: in just 15 days, 20 individuals lost their lives in road accidents. He emphasized the urgent need for road maintenance, particularly with the monsoon season approaching, and questioned the government’s prioritization of the impending smart city deadline.

He voiced the public’s growing distrust in both the government and the police force, accusing the latter of either engaging in extortion or neglecting their duties. While acknowledging the police’s high crime detection rate, Bhike stressed that ensuring public safety should be prioritized over merely solving crimes.

Additionally, Bhike raised concerns about rampant illegal activities such as deforestation by “forest mafias” and forest fires, criticizing the failures of both the forest department and the police to address these issues effectively.

Bhike concluded the conference with a warning: if concrete steps are not taken to curb the escalating crime rates, the Congress party will escalate the matter to higher authorities.

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