President Droupadi Murmu is set to embark on a significant three-day visit to Goa, scheduled from August 22nd to 24th, as announced by the Rashtrapati Bhavan on Monday. During her stay, a series of events and interactions are lined up, highlighting her engagement with various aspects of the state’s culture, academia, and governance.
The visit will kick off with a civic reception in her honour, graciously hosted by the Goa government at the Raj Bhavan on Tuesday. This reception marks a warm welcome for President Murmu and symbolizes the state’s reverence for her presence.
A notable event on the agenda is the distribution of ‘Sanad’ under the Forest Rights Act to select beneficiaries. This action underscores the president’s commitment to environmental and tribal welfare and emphasizes the importance of safeguarding forest rights.
President Murmu’s itinerary also encompasses an auspicious occasion – the 34th convocation of Goa University, scheduled for Wednesday. Her presence at this academic milestone adds prestige to the ceremony, affirming the significance of education and research in shaping the nation’s future.
In a testament to her holistic engagement with the state’s diverse population, President Murmu will interact with members of tribal groups of Goa at the Raj Bhavan. This interaction holds the promise of fostering meaningful dialogues and exchanges, promoting inclusivity and understanding.
Undoubtedly a highlight of her visit, President Murmu will address the Goa Legislative Assembly at Porvorim on the same day. This assembly session is poised to be an occasion of significance, as she shares her insights and perspectives on matters pertinent to the state’s progress and well-being.
President Droupadi Murmu’s visit to Goa is not only an honour for the state but also an opportunity to witness her dedication to various aspects of governance and social engagement. The three-day sojourn reflects her commitment to education, tribal welfare, and the democratic process, underscoring the symbiotic relationship between national leadership and regional growth.
Source: PTI