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The Massage Parlours In Goa Will be Shut Down

Following the recent case wherein the 11 tourists had been brutally beaten and robbed by the massage parlour operators in Mapusa the state Government has
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Massage Parlours in Goa
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Following the recent case wherein the 11 tourists had been brutally beaten and robbed by the massage parlour operators in Mapusa the state Government has decided to shut down all the massage parlours in the state. 

The chief minister of Goa Dr. Pramod Sawant said that all the massage parlours in the state will be shut down from June 6 and the cross massages (women massage men and vice versa) will not be allowed. 

According to CM only the registered Spa and Beauty Parlours have been licensed to operate in the state along with the Ayurvedic Treatment spa and the other massage parlour will not be allowed to operate, he added. 

“There are illegal massage parlours operating in the state under the garb of health treatment and our government will not allow to carry on their operations in the state,” said CM. 

The CM told the media that there will be a crackdown from tomorrow on all illegal massage parlours spread across Goa. “There is no provision of licensing under the category of Massage Parlours, while the registered SPAs do not come under this and if there are any illegal massage parlours in the state we will shut them down,” he added. 

The Spas and beauty parlours that are registered and not carrying out the cross massage activities will only be allowed to run in the state,” he said adding that Ayurvedic Spas will need to have the registered practitioners operating them to stay safe from the crackdowns. 

The CM also warned the police stations saying that the actions will be taken against the in charge of the respective police stations if the massage parlours were found operating in their jurisdiction. “The police inspectors will be responsible and the action will be taken against them, we want to stop all such activities in the state to make this place safe for the tourism activities,” added CM. 

In one of the recent incidents, the video that went viral on the social media where the tourists were seen being solicited for the paid sex in Goa and CM has warned the strict action against such activities. “We will be deploying the police in civil dress to keep watch on such activities in the forthcoming tourism season and those found guilty will be taken to the task,” he warned. 

The flow of tourists increased after the Covid restrictions were removed and that also led to an increase in illegal activities in the state. The players have resumed their activities and this is resulting in spoiling the name of Goa proper action will be the only way to stop these illegal activities. What are your views on this issue?  

Photo by cottonbro

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