In the upcoming film ‘Drishyam 2,’ Bollywood star Akshaye Khanna will be seen alongside Ajay Devgn and Tabu. Tabu took to Instagram on Saturday and shared a photo of herself and Akshaye Khanna.
“Delighted to have a gem of an actor on board for #Drishyam2, Akshaye Khanna…#TrulyTalented,” she captioned the Instagram post. The camera is at an eye-level angle in the image, with a close-up shot of Akshaye sitting on a couch with Tabu.
Khanna is seen in the photograph looking intently into the camera, while Tabu, whose face appears to be blurred, is smiling. Farah Khan, a filmmaker, and producer, commented on Tabu’s photo, saying, “Lovvvv himmmm.” Fans were ecstatic to see Khanna back on the big screen after he had been absent for quite some time.
Details about his role are being kept under wraps for the time being.
The first installment of the crime thriller, directed by the late Nishikant Kamat, was a remake of the 2013 Malayalam-language film “Drishyam,” starring Mohanlal.
The Hindi adaptation, starring Devgn, told the story of a family of four whose lives were turned upside down after an unfortunate incident with their older daughter.
Ajay has previously expressed his excitement about reprising his role as Vijay in Drishyam 2. “Drishyam was adored, and he became a legend.” I am now delighted to present Drishyam 2 with yet another intriguing story. Vijay is a multidimensional character who creates an engrossing story onscreen. This film’s director, Abhishek Pathak, has a new vision for it “In a statement, he said. “I’m looking forward to part 2 filling in the large shoes of the earlier film with people investing in the mystery and the characters,” he added.”
The film is a sequel to Tabu and Ajay Devgn’s 2015 crime thriller ‘Drishyam,’ directed by Abhishek Pathak. For the uninitiated, Ajay Devgn’s character of Vijay in the hit film ‘Drishyam’ convinced everyone that their family had gone on vacation, which turned out to be a perfect plan to save his family from a murder conviction.
Tabu will reprise her role as Inspector General of Police Meera Deshmukh. In the sequel, Ajay will reprise one of his most intriguing characters and continue in Vijay’s shoes. The story unfolds a journey that leaves the audience wondering what his way out might be this time.
Bhushan Kumar, Kumar Mangat Pathak, Abhishek Pathak, and Krishan Kumar produce “Drishyam 2,” which is co-produced by Sanjeev Joshi, Aditya Chowksey, and Shiv Chanana.