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Goan Family Killed in Tragic Car Accident on Pune Bangalore Highway at Hubli, Three Crushed to death, Three Critical

The Goan family was traveling to Hubli in a Maruti Swift Car met with a Tragic accident at Hubli in Karnataka.
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A Goan family of 6 people traveling in the Maruti Swift Car bearing registration number GA-07-E-8345 had met with an accident at Hubli in Karnataka on Pune-Bangalore highway. Three people of the family crushed to death on the spot while remaining three are critically injured and hospitalized in Hubli. The accident took place on Sunday Afternoon while the family was on their way to Hubli to attend the family wedding.

According to the sources, the Goan family from Chimbel was traveling to Hubli in the Maruti Swift Car bearing registration number GA-07-E-8345 had met with a Tragic accident at Hubli in Karnataka. They were on their way to attend the family wedding to Hubli in Karnataka and traveling on the Pune – Bangalore highway when the accident took place. There were total 6 members in the car when the accident took place. Besides the head of the family who was driving the car, his mother, wife and three children were also present in the car.   

According to the sources, the impact was so severe that the person on driving seat died on the spot. The sources revealed that Car was driven by one Shakil Ahmad Durgad (38) from Chimbel Goa. He was the Principal of Jadeed Urdu High School in Chimbel. The report said that his mother who was sitting next to him and his daughter had also died in this accident.

When the accident took place, Shakil Ahmad and his mother were crushed in the car causing their instant death but his elder daughter died on the way to the hospital said the sources. Total six people were traveling in the car when the accident took place. Shakil’s wife, his two kids are admitted to the hospital and presently struggling with their lives, said the sources.

The elder daughter of the deceased was the student of Peoples High School, Panaji and she was supposed to appear for the SSC exams. One small mistake and entire happiness of the family turned into tragedy. There are no more reports about the exact reason behind the accident available yet.


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