In a splendid ceremony held at Mantralaya in Porvorim, Goa’s Chief Minister, Dr. Pramod Sawant, along with the Sports Minister Shri Govind Gaude officially launched the torch relay for the highly anticipated 37th National Games of 2023. The inaugural event was graced by the presence of State Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Govind Gaude, along with other distinguished guests.
This torch relay is set to traverse all of Goa’s talukas, encompassing the entire expanse of this beautiful region. Following the launch, Chief Minister Sawant emphasized that the torch, symbolizing the eternal flame of sportsmanship, embodies an unwavering dedication to athletic excellence.
In his statement to the press, Sawant expressed his assurance that Goa is fully prepared to host this prestigious event. The torch’s journey will lead it through all 12 talukas of the state, including prominent tourist destinations in the evening, igniting enthusiasm for the National Games and involving rural areas in this grand celebration. He underlined that the torch carries the enduring spirit of sportsmanship, calling for unity in celebrating both sports and India.
After touring the picturesque state of Goa, the torch’s final destination will be the Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium on October 25, setting the stage for the grand opening ceremony on October 26. The 37th National Games will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, adding to the event’s prestige.
Minister Gaude emphasized that Goa stands at a defining moment in its sporting history. The 37th National Games are not merely viewed as an event but as a blueprint for revitalizing the state’s sports ecosystem. With a record number of sports disciplines included in this edition, it is poised to become the largest National Games ever organized in the country. Gaude expressed hope that these Games will generate renewed interest and focus on Olympic sports in Goa.
Organizers of the National Games revealed that this prestigious event will witness participation from 28 states and 8 union territories, with more than 10,000 athletes and 2,000 officials. Notably, badminton will take the lead, commencing a week prior to the inauguration by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium.