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A 30-Year-Old Goan Youth Arrested in UK for Sending Sexually Explicit Texts and Images to a 12-year-old Girl

The Wolf Pack Hunters Strikes once again, and this time with the arrest of a 30-year-old Goan Youth working in the UK for sending a
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The Wolf Pack Hunters Strikes once again, and this time with the arrest of a 30-year-old Goan Youth working in the UK for sending a sexually explicit Images and Texts to a 12-year-old girl, with whom the accused was allegedly chatting on Facebook. The news broke out after the Wolf Pack Hunters UK made the video of Goan youth viral on the social media. The accused have been remanded in Police custody…

The crime against minors is on the rise, and to stop that from happening in the first place, the Wolf Pack Hunters UK have come into an existence. The Job of this organization is to Hunt down on the (Pedophile) people and catch them before they attack a minor girls or boys for that matter. The arrest of Goan youth in the UK is one such example of the same.

The Wolf Pack Hunters UK have been operating for quite some time, and they have arrested many Pedophiles in the past, which includes Indian and UK nationals. The arrest of a 30-year-old, Francisco Pereira was planned by The Wolf Pack Hunters UK after placing a decoy for the chat on the social network, said the sources.

The video clip in this regards was made viral on the social media by The Wolf Pack Hunters UK on 30th of December 2017 showing the confessions of the accused before the camera, and subsequently, the youth was apprehended by the UK police and placed under arrest.

The main target of the Wolf Pack Hunters UK is to catch the online chatters who prey on the minors through the means of the social network, said the sources. After the said Goan youth was caught by The Wolf Pack Hunters UK, he started apologizing for his behavior saying that it happened by mistake and he is working here in the UK and does not want to get involved into any trouble. But, The Wolf Pack Hunters have made sure that he was handed over to the UK police.

“I am sorry, I know that I have made a mistake, I don’t know who are they (the 12-year-old girl) but I just wanted to meet them,” he told The Wolf Pack Hunters UK. The Wolf Pack Hunter organization representatives put all the documents containing the explicit text and Images before the accused to which he agreed to have done the crime but, by mistake.

According to the accused Goan youth, he is working in the UK for the past 3 years and he is working hard to support his family in Goa. He pleaded before The Wolf Pack Hunters UK to spare him from this event but they denied doing so and handed him over to the police. The crime against the minors is very high in our country compared to the other countries like UK and USA and there is an urgent need of such organization to tackle the situation. The Vasco rape case has never been solved and the CBI closed the case. There are many such cases in Goa which have never seen the light of justice till date. Until unless the law enforcement becomes more strong, the crime will continue to take place. What is your opinion on this issue?


IMAGES AND VIDEO CLIP: The Wolf Pack Hunters UK     

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