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What is the FedEx Scam? – Beware of This Delivery Call

These days many calls from FedEx companies are trying to fool people subtly. Someone of you would have experienced many fraud calls, but these kinds
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FedEx Scam
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These days many calls from FedEx companies are trying to fool people subtly. Someone of you would have experienced many fraud calls, but these kinds of FedEx scam Calls are dangerous because they drag people and trigger their emotional state which can also be stated as “Friendly Fraud”. 

So, to understand what this FedEx call scam is- what are the actions you should take when you get such calls? Let us have a quick read through this article.

What is this FedEx scam – and What are The Sources That are Used During These? 

These scams start with an automation call, they will most probably inform you that “the call is from FedEx company, and it is regarding the pending package, and for more information press 1” and the calls are transferred to the customer care executive. The numbers are usually international.  When you are on the call they will try to build up an emergency about the international package which is pending in customs and they have received some illegal things like fake passports and even Drugs from that package. Scammers panic you through the situation and make things critical around and start asking you the personal details like your Aadhar card number and can suggest you talk to the nearby police station if you deny going physically they directly connect to the police station’s crime department. Most of the time, Andheri police station and Malad Police Station names are suggested in these scam calls. Then the call is taken in a way that forces you to pay a certain amount of money to investigate further.  

The person who is pretending to be the police can show you many such legal documents which ultimately drags you to the scam. 

Common warning signs that can help you- scam emails. 

These scammers create a very pressurized situation and tie you into the Scam. It is surely an important step to stay alert as these cases are rising day by day. Make sure that the following signs are mentioned in your situation and do not respond to them and make sure you report that email to Internet Crime Complaint Center or any nearby police station.

  1. Creates urgency and tension.
  2. Grammatical mistakes and unstructured information.
  3. Unformal and generic greetings.
  4. Misspelt or altered website addresses.
  5. Request for the money in exchange for an emergency delivery.
  6. Ask for personal and financial details.

How to detect these kinds of scams?

To save yourself from these kinds of scams the first and foremost thing you have to do is stay alert. These kinds of people use the same structure with different stories. What are more directions to detect these kinds of scams?  

Emotional Games

Imagine you are doing some sort of work, sitting in your office, and you get this call. In such situations, you might not be able to think about what is going on. Take a moment out, think about it, and try not to get fooled by these calls. 

Fake websites 

If you receive any tracking website after such kind of call.  Check every single corner of the website. In such fake tracking websites, the mentioned- phone numbers, social media handles, and given domain is invalid if you check in detail. 

Fake Emails

If these calls are mentioned some foreign details and if they contact you through the Custom department then one tip to always remember is- The custom department is associated with the government and emails from government ends with (. gov. in). Don’t fall for any Fraudulent Emails because FedEx does not send any unsolicited emails to customers. If you receive an email as a custom Email via any random email Id don’t respond to that and immediately report that email id.

Wrapping up

With the growing number of scams and illegal activities, it is slightly more important for users also to take protective steps in case of such scams sigh. If things turn out serious and forceful make sure you report it to abuse@fedex for safer actions.

Stay alert and save yourself from such Frauds.

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