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RSS supports gay sex showing the sign of relief to LGBT community in India

RSS is the part of Sangh Parivar in India which is considered to be the most conservative community which is also the backbone of BJP
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RSS is the part of Sangh Parivar in India which is considered to be the most conservative community which is also the backbone of BJP government in the country. According to the sources, RSS has come out with the statement that apparently supports the homosexual activities in India.

[su_expand more_text=”READ MORE” less_text=” ” height=”0″ hide_less=”yes” link_style=”button” link_align=”center”] According to the news published by one national daily, the Sangh Parivar had made the statement that overturns their conservative views towards the homosexual relationships. According to them, a sexual preference is not a crime as long as it does not impose on the lives of others.

According to the sources, RSS joint secretary told the media that, according to them gay sex is not a crime. “Why should RSS have an opinion on homosexuality? It is not a crime as long as it does not affect the lives of others. Sexual preferences are personal issues,” said RSS joint general secretary, Dattatreya Hosabale.

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The absolute statement by the BJP’s ideological mentor raised the hope that the government could push to abolish the colonial era law (Section 377 of IPC) that makes homosexuality a crime though opinion in most political parties is loaded against same-sex relations. The top RSS representative’s comments come in the wake of BJP MPs taking the lead to vote out Congress MP Shashi Tharoor’s private member’s bill seeking to decriminalize homosexuality in Lok Sabha at the introduction stage itself.

RSS is not alone in this game but there are some more people from BJP who are supporting the same-sex relations issue. According to the sources, Finance minister Arun Jaitley publicly stated that the Supreme Court had taken a conservative view of the issue. His view is seen as a minority voice in the party and the wider political spectrum where the subject remains a taboo. “When you have millions of people involved in this (gay sex), you can’t nudge them off,” Jaitley had said, adding that the Supreme Court had taken a “conservative view”. The minister said, “Jurisprudence world over is evolving, I think the judgment was not correct and, probably at some stage, they may have to reconsider.”

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Prior to Jaitley’s statements, RSS member Ram Madhav who is currently a BJP general secretary had once said that irrespective of one’s view of homosexuality, it was highly debatable where this constituted a crime. However, the party went contrary to Jaitley’s view on homosexuality in Parliament to defeat Tharoor’s private member’s bill calling for decriminalising homosexuality. In fact, Lok Sabha voted twice against Tharoor’s move in the last three months, where the BJP has an absolute majority. India is in a minority of 70 countries where homosexuality is a criminal offense.

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According to the section, 377 criminalizes homosexuality as “unnatural” sex with a maximum punishment of up to 10 years in jail even if it is between two consenting adults. Striking a blow for personal freedoms, the Delhi HC had in 2009 called Section 377 discriminatory and struck it down. However, the SC in December 2013 upheld the 158-year-old law, a relic of the British era, outraging liberals and LGBT activists alike. In a relief to the LGBT community last month, the SC referred the curative petition to review its 2013 order to a constitution bench.

Source: India Today [/su_expand]

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