The BJP Convenor for Goa Medical Cell Dr. Shekhar Salkar urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday to deprive Bollywood actors Amitabh Bachchan, Ajay Devgn, Akshay Kumar, and Shah Rukh Khan of their Padma awards for their roles in surrogate advertisements promoting tobacco products.
“I have no words to condemn the way Akshay Kumar has joined the gang of Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, and Ajay Devgan to promote cancer through a surrogate advt of tobacco product. Ironically, all these people are Padma award winners,” Salkar Tweeted.
“While @PMOIndia is working overtime to make India healthy through the Fit India movement, the entire mission is humiliated by these so-called influencers with their surrogate advt trapping the younger generation into tobacco consumption. Do these actors really deserve Padmashri,” asked Salkar, who is also an office-bearer of the National Organisation for Tobacco Eradication.
“People have put their faith in these disgraced, dishonorable actors who have sold their soul and ethics to make money at the cost of minds of innocent youth who emulate them and get adversely influenced and initiated to tobacco consumption,” he added.
Bachchan received the Padma Vibhushan award, while Khan, Devgn, and Akshay Kumar received the Padmashri, the country’s fourth-highest civilian honor.
Meanwhile, Akshay Kumar issued a public apology and resigned from his position as Vimal Elaichi’s brand ambassador. The actor took to social media to issue an apology in the form of a lengthy note. He penned, “I am sorry. I’d like to apologize to you, all my fans and well-wishers. Your reaction over the last few days has deeply affected me.”
Continuing his note, Akshay stated that he still stands by what he said in the video that went viral on the Internet, “While I have not and will not endorse tobacco, I respect the outpouring of your feelings in light of my association with Vimal Elaichi. With all humility, I step back. I have decided to contribute the entire endorsement fee towards a worthy cause.”
“The brand might continue airing the ads till the legal duration of the contract that is binding upon me, but I promise to be extremely mindful in making my future choices. In return I shall forever continue to ask for your love and wishes(sic)”, he concluded.
Our Bollywood actors make so much money and their assets have reached a space of hundreds of crores but they still do not leave any opportunities to make money and at the end of their one apology suffices all the deeds.